Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Climatology meaning definition and scope


The word climate comes from the Greek word 'klima’ Which literally means inclination or slope ( klino) .

perhaps the Greek philosophers had in their mind what we refer to as latitude , when they made use of word klima for climate.

The principal cause of various types of climate found on the earth according to them was inclination of solar rays.

Eratosthenes was the first Greek philosopher who could appreciate the climatic significance of the angle of incidence.

A/c to critchfield , parmenides divided world in 5 zones –
1) torrid zone
2) north and south temperate zone
3) north and south frigid.

                Climate maybe defined simply as ‘average weather’. The term climate denotes a description of aggregate weather conditions. It describes average weather as well as deviations from average and even extreme conditions.

The world meteorological organization has suggested a standard period of 31 years for calculating the climatic averages of different weather elements.
ACCORDING TO KENDREW , “climate is a composite idea, a generalization of the manifold weather conditions from day to day throughout the year. Certainly no picture of it is at all real unless it is painted in all the colors of the manifold variation of weather and the rounds of the season which are really prominent features, it is quite inadequate to give merely the mean state of any element

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Gf taylor - climate is the integration of weather and weather is the differentiation of climate. The distinction between weather and climate is therefore mainly one of time.
Critchfield - The process of exchange of heat and moisture between the earth and the atmosphere over a long period of time result in conditions which we call climate. Climate is more than a statistical average, it is the aggregate of atmospheric conditions involving heat ,moisture and air movement.extremes must always be considered in any climatic description in addition to mean trends and probabilities..


Climatology is made up of two Greek words, Klima +logos . “Klima” means slope of earth and “logos” means a discourse or study . 

Here , slope refers to latitude.

According to Critchfield- 

                                              Climatology is a science that seeks to describe and explain the nature of climate how it differs from place to place and how it is related to men’s activities.

Austin Miller says - “climatology as that branch of science which discusses the average condition of weather.”

Climatology deals with-
 1) climatological record
 2) theory of climate 
 3) energy and moisture balance of earth
 4) study of climate as environment of living organisms
 5) study of climate as direct environment of man

Objectives of climatology

1) climatology seeks to explain causes of different types of climate.
2) reason for variations and their general specific locations.
3) effect of climate on natural vegetation and process that produces different climates.
4) it makes a detailed analysis of the interactions of weather and climate elements with human elements .

Sub divisions of climatology -

Physical climatology deals with the climatic elements such as Insolation, duration of sunshine , precipitation, temperature air pressure, precipitation, winds , cloudiness and Fog etc.

REGIONALCLIMATOLOGY deals with regional variations of climatic conditions which include micro climate ,local climate ,meso climate and macro climate.

APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY deals with the climate controls of human activities and the application of climatic knowledge in solving unique problems faced by human population.

Climatology is both positive as well as normative .

Climatology is a social science – man may also be considered one of the controls of weather and climate. Various type of human activities such as cutting and burning forest, building cities adding pollution by burning fossil fuels to the atmosphere do affect the weather and climate. Ozone hole is nothing but the impact of human activities on the environment. Cultural changes usually a company climatic changes.


1) identification, demarcation and distribution of different types of climate.
2) elements of weather and climate
3) structure and composition of atmosphere
4) insolation and energy balance
5) atmospheric temperature
6) atmospheric pressure and motion circulation, humidity and condensation.
7) local and seasonal winds
8) fogs, their origin andtypes
9) clouds, their origin and type
10) precipitation and distribution
11) air masses, atmospheric disturbances
12) extreme events in atmosphere
13) climatic types, bayoums climate changes

14) global warming and atmospheric chemistry

15) weather forecasting.

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