Monday, April 18, 2022

Utilitarianism concept


UTILITARIANISM is a product of English mind , it is generally associated with JEREMY BENTHAM.

The theory believes that man is Social by nature and is always chiefly motivated in life by the desire to obtain happiness or avoid pain and that the happiness of each individual involves relation with other individuals, which necessitates state regulation of mutual relations of men by legislation.

Utilitarianism is a theory of morality that advocates actions that foster happiness or pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm. When directed toward making social, economic, or political decisions, a utilitarian philosophy would aim for the betterment of society as a whole.

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Utilitarianism is a philosophy which is based on hard realities of human existence.

The doctrine demands that utility should be basis of all social , political and ethical endeavours. In the hands of notable English exponents, Bentham and mill , it became a principle of state legislation.

The utilitarian philosophy is primarily ethical theory.

The object of legislation of state is to promote and secure ‘The greatest happiness of greatest number.’

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The criteria of right and wrong of Good and bad, which the state should apply, is found in happiness and not in abstract principle of reason.
polity is thus subordinated to ethics and in its actions utility is the measure of right.
Utilitarianism represent interest in the welfare of mankind .
Utilitarians are mostly individualistic.

The utilitarians reject every form of contract, consent or agreement theory as a basis for political obligation. 


1)it’s major criticism is over simplification , in reality people do not desire pleasure or avoid pain, they desire object whose realization gives them pleasure and non realization pain..
2)It has been branded as of selfish and egoistic character.
3)Happiness depends upon the mental condition of human beings and is independent of the activities of state ( pleasure is individualistic) .
4)Utilitarianism lacks idealism as it is mainly concerned with the actual needs of individuals.

Utilitarianism has no theory of state to offer , what it gives us is a theory of government.

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